Saturday, October 30, 2010

ITSSSSSSSSSsss Halloween

And what is better than watching a scary movie on a day like this :)

Right now I'm busy searching my horror movies collection now :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Series Marathon

I've finished the entire series of

1. The Sleepover Club - Season 1

2. F.R.I.E.N.D.S - Seasons 1 to 10

3. The Lizze Mcguire Series - Seasons 1 and 2

And All were Awesome!!! :)

I'm now watching Season 2 of 'The Sleepover Club' and its not so good as the first one because a new set of girls are acting in the season 2! Anyways after this I plan to watch 'The Big Bang Theory' and '90210' which is another good series! :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chick Lit n Other Books

I finally got my copy of 'The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic' on my hands from the local library! Although I have already seen the movie and could totally connect to the character, I want to see whats in the book! There are many books in this series I heard and I'm going to read them one after the other.

I also could not help getting four micky mouse comics and two archie double digest and also renewed Jane Eyre! I'm yet to finish the book!

Once I finish with all these books, its going to be twilight series! Every girl pal of mine has recommended the book to me! ;)

Monday, October 25, 2010

If you could have whatever you wanted?

I came across this question and it put me to thinking!!

Will I be the happiest person on earth then?

If you think my answer was YES, that is a big mistake. My conscience actually answered NO!!

Simply because if you have everything you want, you will never realize the value of ANY of them. Something ought to be lost to realize the value of some other things. Even a simple praise can be taken as an example. Imagine yourself as a celebrity who is always appreciated. At one point you would get sick of them. You would no longer feel its great to be appreciated. But then, if someone didn't appreciate your honest efforts, and another friend of yours actually felt great about you, that is when you truly understand the value of that appreciation.

In this unfair world, we must be thankful to the unfair people, for without them we would never open our eyes to the love that a bunch of fair and wonderful people around you show you. Thank your bad luck and your misfortunes, for they help you understand the good in you and around you.

Getting everything I want definitely won't make me the happiest person, I conclude today. What I have right now is what is giving me happiness, however little that is and its my duty to appreciate that. This imperfection would in turn lead me to appreciate the people who have been nice to me all along and the things I have achieved in life so far. I know this is really confusing! :D

Pitiful fact is , these thoughts don't stay in my mind constantly. Once in a blue moon I get them, but these are from my heart.

Next time when someone appreciates you, acknowledge them with a thank you and smile at them. Its easy to help others, but for them to realize that you are helping them and for them to appreciate you is something like a miracle.

Pledge to NEVER LOSE Your SMILE that makes your face so pretty to look at!

You Smile. I smile. Everyone Smile Pleaseeee :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Analyze This. Analyze That.

Someone appreciated me for being who I am and for helping them. Someone actually thought my attitude was awesome and followed me. I never knew this. When such surprises come in life, it makes one feel happy, a great boost to self.

Life is really beautiful ! Everyone is in the same boat and you are never alone!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fun Way of Dealing with Procrastination

Finally I found a new way to deal with Procrastination, a problem most of the people of my age have to deal with and get out of it.

Here I am writing down my list of works to be done, but not in the usual boring way of doing them.
MY method is now adding the FUN and MYSTERY Factor to my To Do LIST. Oh My, I already am a Listmaniac and this is going to add Fuel to the fire! Yay! :D

I have with me 16 bits of paper now. Right now I'm writing all my works in them one by one.

1. Workout
2. Arrange Cupboard
3. Clean Room
4. Manicure and Pedicure
5. Blog post

and So on.

So I would the papers in a box and take one randomly. Once the first task is completed, I would take the next paper from the box and do it blindly. Finally by the end of the day, I would have completed all my work and it wont be boring. Not knowing what is the next work makes the whole thing like an interesting game.

Its all in the mind. I'm also figuring out lot of fun ways to deal with every single problem that I may face and am pretty sure there is a fun way to dealing with anything in life!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Nice Article

I found this article on the web and loved it !

Top 10 reasons you need a best friend
Best friends forever? Why having a close confidante makes life easier -- and more fun.

We all know how important friends are. There are friends we go for coffee with, friends we shop with and friends we head to the gym with. But despite having a pal for every occasion, having a best friend is a huge bonus in life. Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem, a registered marriage and family therapist, offers some insight into what makes the bond between best friends so special -- and so important.

1. Comfort
A best friend is someone you don't have to fill in the blanks with. They already know all the inner details of your life. "It's like picking up a book and knowing exactly where you left off," Belleghem says. You can cut to the chase and get right to the meat of any discussion because all the background information has already been stored away.

2. Connectedness
One of our most basic fears is being alone, Belleghem explains. Whether your best friend is around the corner or in another time zone, just knowing she is there provides comfort. "It gives you a sense of being connected and not just free-floating in space," she says. So if you find yourself feeling isolated, whether physically or emotionally, pick up the phone and call your closest pal. Both of you will feel better for it.

3. Unconditional support
You have yet to shower or even brush your hair and your best friend calls. She's upset and wants you to come over right away. What do you do? You get in the car without even changing -- because you don't have to. Best friends have seen us at our best and worst, and they love us either way. It's important to have someone in our lives we feel totally at ease with, Belleghem explains. Someone we can be ourselves with -- sweats and all.

4. Self-esteem boost
Good friends help us to develop our self-esteem, says Belleghem. "Having someone in our life who thinks we are important -- someone who wants our opinion on things and who values our company -- makes us feel wanted, boosting self-esteem," she explains.

5. Honest opinions
Best friends will also be totally honest with us, Belleghem says. They know you well and are able to tell it like it is. So thank your best friend the next time she looks you in the eye, shakes her head and suggests you rethink a possibly silly decision. She's got your best interests at heart.

6. A fresh perspective
We are all individuals, with different experiences and opinions, but having a best friend to share things with can help us learn new things about ourselves. The things they share with us can open our eyes to new ideas and ways to think about the world around us, explains Belleghem. "By bringing a fresh perspective to a problem, things have a better chance of changing," she says. Best friends can help us find those "A-ha!" moments that lead to solving problems.
7. Life lessons
When a close friend does something you disagree with, you're more likely to confront them and discuss what has upset you than if it's a person you aren't as familiar with. Getting through this with a close friend helps to prepare you for other times in life where you will need to face a difficult situation, Belleghem explains. "Now you have this skill in your life skills bag," she says.

8. Loyalty
Loyalty means never having to worry about someone spilling your secrets or talking about you behind your back. Best friends equal built-in trust, Belleghem explains. Most likely, you've spent years building your bond, which just gets stronger over time. "A loyal friend will be on your team no matter what. They will be honest with you, but won't betray you," she says.

9. Personal growth
Having a best friend means sharing experiences, Belleghem explains. Sometimes, when we get stuck in our own routines, it's nice to hear about what other people are doing. "A close friend of mine who didn't have kids opened my eyes to new things," Belleghem says. Often we can live vicariously through our close friends and learn about things we may not have thought about doing.

10. The best sounding board
One of the greatest things about having a best friend is being able to share -- everything. They are the ones to whom we tell things we wouldn't dream of telling anyone else -- our greatest fears and biggest mistakes. Being able to share these intimate details about our lives helps to normalize whatever has happened, Belleghem explains. "Fear or discomfort is diffused when you share it with a friend," she says.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jane Eyre

This is the book I'm currently reading. I finally figured out my one true love. BOOKS!

English Classics are always a bit boring in the beginning but as you move on to the next chapters the stories are too amazing. The way the women are described and the way each character is depicted, its very hard to avoid falling in love with the story.

I have a picturesque mind or brain as one would call it. I imagine a lot. I enjoy the images I see in mind as I read the book. Every sentence in the book goes to my brain, gets tasted by my brain, imagines the situation and actually get played in my head. What a pleasure I derive from reading English Classics.

The best part of most of the English classics that I like is the fact that all of them are about a woman. The heroine is the lead in the story. These stories about strong, independent and beautiful women are almost inspiring for me to be the same way. These women are not without faults or misfortunes. They are the ones who get over them and finally succeed in discovering who they are and ending up with the right person and the right future. These are the women who play their part in life. These women will continue to fascinate me and I shall devote a lot of time to understand this way of writing and create my own Novel before my time ends.

I simply can't imagine not creating something before I leave. I find it amazing to know that people can be remembered for so long because of the legacy they leave behind in the form of wonderful amazing stories.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October : Status Update

Sitting: On the bed and surrounded by a bunch of pillows and blankets... Awesome and cozy now.
Eating: A pack of biskuts.. Odd timing to stuff anything else for now.
Drinking: Warm water.. weird right.
Planning: To marry Prince Henry and make my entry into the Royal Kingdom. On a more serious note.. I’m planning a LOT of things. One would be to blog like a 22 year old girl and no more like a kid. Also to finish a project with a friend.
Waiting: To cuddle a pup and also hold a cute lil babe !
Missing: Nothing at all for the moment.. Wow ! On second thoughts, after seeing my childhood album now, I really miss my dead grandparents.. Had they been here now, it would have been so great!
Deciding: What to do once my sick leave ends and how to add fun to my life even during office days
Reading: Jane Eyre, so far so amazing! My love for English classics grows forever.
Was reading: Good Wives, another English Classic. “It’s Not me, it’s you” a hilarious book about You-know-what!
Going to read: The Twilight Series and The Shopaholic series! Every Gal seems to be in love with them
Pondering: On how to become the most loved girl in the century. The first step being avoiding hurting or making someone sad, I’ve already cut off a lot of negative stuff.
Anticipating: A very beautiful future and a lot of hard work also
Dreading: Going back to office after sick leave! Eww.. Really hate stress or tension.
Loving: My life... Its kinda fallen into a pattern which I sort of like now
Pretending: That there are no ghosts around when I think there are some of them
Stressing: That we must hurt no one and if we can’t avoid it, we got to leave them. No one deserves to cry or feel hurt.
Praying: For lots of poor animals and a lot of people. I hope everyone is happy out there
Remembering: The people who were nice to me and also remembering to be nice to all and never hurt anyone even by accident.
Watching: The sleepover club! It brings back childhood memories
Realizing: Life is perfect as it is. There is no need to wait for it to become better!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Me, Myself and I

I'm just a 22 year old girl and here I am paving my own path along with a million other kids of my age. What do I think about my life now?

I think life is like preparing a huge chocolate bar or a chocolate drink. It can sometimes be very sweet if you add a lot of sugar. Sometimes it is bound to be terribly bitter if you add too much cocoa. Right now life tastes like Dark Chocolate. Little Sweet. Little Bitter. But not so bad. Dark chocolate is an exotic thing.

I think I love my imperfect life! This craziness around me. The even more crazy friends. And ME the craziest of all right in the Middle! lol.

Let us imagine a really tall stage. Stand on it and see the people around you. There are a bunch of people who dislike you. But on the other side there are a bunch of people who love you and admire you. To react to either is really funny.

To think and see, I'm right in the place where I am supposed to be and I'm playing what role I am expected to play at this point in life.

I'm open to everything now. To opportunities and to failures as well.

It amazes me to finally realize that my imperfect life is actually perfect as it is, with the good and the bad and all the flavors of life!

I know there are greener pastures waiting for me out in the world and I know I want to go on to a better position in life. I'm going to go slow and steady :)

A Woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets

Monday, October 18, 2010

Reasons Why I love Writing

1. I find myself express better when I write

2. People love my way of expressing things when I write down. I have other blogs where I found people admiring the person who writes the posts in my blog. Confusing eh? When I write, a different person seem to come out alive and write these. And I love that girl actually

3. My English is simply amazing when I write it down rather than speak

4. I get to meet like minded people and like to analyze the person based on how they write

5. New pen pals all around the world thanks to blogging

6. Writing speaks much better than actual words

7. Writing is going to help me publish my book in the future

8. An author is remembered forever for her writing :)

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